
Monday, July 23, 2007

Macy Turns 13

Well, I no longer have children.
Please send help!

Happy Birthday Macy!


Blogger Martha said...

Dear Janet,

Hi! A couple of months ago, my friend Rich gave me your card. I believe you took some pictures of his son. He recalled hearing me mention that I was looking to have some photographs done and he mentioned you to me. Tonight I thought I'd look to see if you have a website and I found your blog!

Just the same,I am a classical singer and I am looking to have some headshots done. I would love to hear from you if you are interested in doing something like this. I could send you some samples of the type of thing I am looking for. Also, I'd be interested in knowing what your rates are.

You can contact me at the following e-mail address: musetta723@gmail.com



12:16 AM  
Blogger Martha said...

Hi Janet,

It's Martha again. I just wanted to try to message you here as I wasn't sure if you received the email I sent you a few days ago. I'm always paranoid that my emails will end up in someone's spam folder! It would have come from this address: musetta723@gmail.com

If you have received it, my apologies for this message! I'll just be patient!


2:18 PM  

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